Sunday, August 28, 2016

EDM 310 Blog 1

Richard Culatta is an innovator in the field of education and a former US Director of Educational Technology. In 2013, Culatta gave a TEDx talk titled Reimagining Learning. Culatta identifies three challenges to our traditional approach to education. First, we teach all students the same. Second, all students in a traditional classroom are taught at the same rate or timetable. Third, traditional grading policies don’t give valuable real-time feedback to students. Culatta believes that all these problems can be solved by utilizing new technology. But first he wants to conquer the “digital divide” between those who are digital creators and those who merely want to digitize traditional educational models. Culatta isn’t satisfied with continuing the traditional educational model, instead he wants to “leverage technology to reinvent learning”.  
As a future educator, I wholeheartedly agree with Culatta that proper utilization of technology in the classroom can benefit every student. New technology allows educators to customize teaching methods and the rate of progression for each individual student. New technology can rapidly and accurately assess a student’s comprehension, instantly giving valuable feedback to the student. Specific algorithms use data analytics to identify patterns of success or failure, in order to better guide students towards a successful path.  Technology can also dramatically improve access to educational opportunities for students. Massive open online classes, or MOOC’s, allow a virtually unlimited number of students to attend highly desired classes. Some online classes have had over 160,000 students enrolled. This increase in access to education will dramatically benefit every level of our society.
 Culatta’s TEDx talk didn’t dramatically change my thoughts on technology’s role in education. Instead, his talk reinforced my previously held belief that, in many ways, a teacher’s future role will be as a facilitator for guided self-learning. Also, I believe that the ability to customize the educational model to the individual student will help students maximize their potential. I know change is often difficult. But it is important, as an educator, to be aware of the benefits new technology can bring to the classroom. As a future History teacher, I admit I prefer the traditional lecture format of most history classes. Even so, I see immense benefit in augmenting the traditional format with non-traditional individualized learning opportunities. The role technology plays in our lives increases with every passing year, so it follows that the role technology plays in education should also correspondingly increase. By understanding and implementing new technology in the classroom, educators can maximize the benefits received from education for each student on an individual basis.