Sunday, September 11, 2016

Blog Post 4

        I recently watched a TED talk featuring Salman Khan, founder of the Khan Academy. The Khan Academy provides thousands of educational videos on a wide range of subjects, completely free of charge. These videos have been designed to provide a full educational experience for a student. The video-based educational program allows students to individualize their learning experiences. The program allows a student to progress at their own pace while collecting data about grading and subject mastery for the educator. Khan thinks that the use of video has the potential to revolutionize education by removing the one-size-fits-all model of education we currently use.
         I personally see immense benefit in using educational videos as a tool in the classroom. The benefits of a program that allows for individualization and compiles useful data are clear. Doing away with generic lectures will allow teachers more one-on-one time with students. We know that every student learns differently. So why do we try to teach them all the same? 

          Incorporating video and other media into the educational curriculum seems inevitable, and I for one welcome it. I see immense benefits in a blended-instruction classroom, splitting the class time between traditional lectures and individualized educational video program. Educational video is a tool that has been proven to benefit a student’s education. Students are raised with technology, it makes sense that using this same technology in their education will benefit the student. 

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