Sunday, September 18, 2016

EDM 310 Blog 6

We recently watched a video that featured 200 students from Kansas State University. The purpose of the video is to highlight problems with our antiquated education system. The video shows students listing issues they have with higher education. These issues include: overcrowded classrooms, uninvolved educators, time-consuming workloads, rising tuition, expensive textbooks, and a curriculum out of touch with our technology-based world. The video deals primarily with issues in higher education, but the message is applicable for all educators. Failure to evolve our education system is a failure for our students. It is imperative that we modernize the current education model.

As a future educator, I believe it is important to keep an open mind and be willing to try new education methods in the classroom. We also must be ready and willing to utilize the current technology that has the potential to transform education.  I’m not calling for an education revolution; there is a reason the current education model has been used for so long. But in order to provide the best education we can, we must be willing to modernize. The Kansas State University video is a powerful message about the sad state of higher education, but it is also optimistic that together we can fix these issues.        

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