Monday, September 5, 2016

EDM 310 Blog Post 3

Hi everyone! Recently, in my EDM 310: Micro-computing Systems in Education class, I completed a project that involved producing a trailer for a free educational app. First, I found an app that fit two primary conditions. The app had to be both educational and fun. The app I chose is intended to increase student literacy by providing access to a wide range of e-books. The production of the trailer required me to gather pertinent information, video clips, audio clips, and photographs. Finally, I synthesized everything into a three-minute movie demonstrating the potential educational benefits of the app. Epic! provides access to a digital library of thousands of books on a wide range of subjects. I highly recommend all educators make use of this resource, in order to increase the literacy of their students.

At first this project sounded easy. I honestly thought I could throw everything together in a relatively short amount of time. I was wrong. I learned why most animators and graphic designers use Macs instead of PCs. Compared to previous experiences with Apple’s iMovie, Microsoft’s Movie Maker seemed awkward and purposely difficult to use. This project has made me aware that I need to better familiarize myself with video editing software. Eventually after hours of work and much frustration, I was able to assemble a three-minute trailer. It’s probably not the prettiest or most polished trailer, but I hope I managed to convey how extremely useful Epic! could be for educators and students

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