Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Final Blog

This semester of EDM 310 has been eye-opening. We have learned how to use technology and media to increase our effectiveness in the classroom. We have seen the importance of fostering creativity in our students. Our ability to use technology to create projects in varied forms has improved. While difficult at times, EDM 310 has been very rewarding. I now feel confident in my ability to utilize every tool available to me in the classroom.
EDM 310 forced me to do things I wouldn’t normally. EdPuzzle, ALEX, video editing, and interactive PowerPoint are just a few of the projects we tackled. I even enjoyed the group projects. As someone who normally detests group work, this means a lot. Class was always informative and entertaining. Our teacher, Mr. Tashbin, was always willing to help answer any question we had. Mr. Tashbin truly facilitated our growth as future educators.
Personally, I will miss this class. EDM 310 has helped me in many ways. My ability to utilize technology has vastly improved. I have learned a lot that I will be able to use in the classroom. Overall, despite the sometimes daunting workload, this class has been quite rewarding.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

EDM 310 Blog Post 14

This week in EDM 310 my group had to pick a lesson plan using ALEX, the Alabama Learning Exchange. This lesson plan will be featured in our end of semester capstone project. We chose a lesson plan titled The Study of Human Geography.  This lesson plan is designed for grades 6-8. It will utilize technology to improve the student’s understanding of Human Geography.

            Everyone in our group has a focus in social sciences, so this lesson plan is a perfect fit. The goal of The Study of Human Geography is to teach the students about population distribution, cultural landscapes, and cultural change. Then we will relate and compare this knowledge to modern trends. This will be the culmination of everything we have learned in EDM 310 this semester. I am excited to begin this final project. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

This week in EDM 310, we designed an interactive PowerPoint for use in a classroom lesson. I wanted this interactive PowerPoint to be something I could use in a future classroom. The concept I chose was a game based on the popular television show, Jeopardy. My version would feature questions relevant to a typical middle-school World Geography class.
Deciding on the form of the interactive PowerPoint was the easy part of the assignment, but assembling the PowerPoint was the most challenging. Designing the interactive main screen was time-consuming, but not difficult. I spent most of my time choosing questions and assembling the question and answer slides. PowerPoint is easy to use with even the most basic computer skills.

          There are many Jeopardy templates available online that are far more professional than my amateurish attempt. But I wanted to completely design my own version of the game to improve my PowerPoint skills.  This project was similar to other PowerPoints I have created in the past, except this one was far more comprehensive. This project was educational and functional. But more importantly, it boosted my confidence in my ability to create interactive PowerPoints. It’s a skill that will be quite useful in a future classroom.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

EDM 310 Blog Post XII

Yesterday, my EDM 310 class was treated to a presentation by Dennis Campbell. The subject was Assistive Technology and its implementation in the classroom. Assistive technology is defined, in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), as any “item, piece of equipment or product system, whether acquired commercially…or customized that is used to increase, maintain, or improve capabilities of individuals with disabilities.”

Mr. Campbell provided a wealth of information on Assistive technology. He explained the different levels of assistive technology and provided examples of each. He also discussed the effect new technology has had on accessibility to tech for students with disabilities. My favorite part of the presentation was when Mr. Campbell related his personal experiences working with children who have disabilities. His optimistic candor was refreshing and encouraging. Along with the video presentation we watched last week and Mr. Campbell’s presentation, I feel better prepared to use assistive technology in the classroom. 

Sunday, October 23, 2016

EDM 310 Blog Post XI

This week, in EDM 310, we watched a video presentation by Margina Busby from the College of Education at the University of South Alabama. The presentation was titled “Overview of Assistive Technology and Implementation.” It is designed to give background information prior to an in-class presentation next week. Assistive technology is defined, in the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), as any “item, piece of equipment or product system, whether acquired commercially…or customized that is used to increase, maintain, or improve capabilities of individuals with disabilities.”  This definition includes a wide range of devices, for example: pencil grippers, powered wheelchairs, closed captioning, and touchscreens. These devices may seem dissimilar, but they all share the same purpose of providing access to education for students with disabilities.
Margina Busby explained that very few students with disabilities are educated solely in resource rooms. Most students with disabilities are educated in regular classrooms. This concept is called full inclusion. This means every educator will have students with disabilities in their classroom at some point. As a future educator, I believe it is important to be informed on the use of assistive technology so I can effectively use it in the classroom.
I hope to ask Mrs. Busby two  questions in the upcoming presentation. First, I would like to ask what percentage of the annual education budget is allocated for assistive technology. Second, I would like to ask her view on future development of assistive technology, considering the rapid pace of overall technological development

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

EDM 310 Blog Post 10

            This week my blog is about using the Alabama Learning Exchange (ALEX) to locate and design a lesson plan. Once I created an account, I was quickly overwhelmed by the sheer number of lesson plans available. ALEX made searching for an interesting lesson plan easy. There were a variety of lesson plans for my educational focus in social sciences. The ALEX website also features a podcast library with hundreds of useful podcasts. ALEX also lets you post your own podcasts and lesson plans to the site.
            After spending time exploring the ALEX website, I found a number of useful lesson plans. The lesson plan I chose was titled “From the Trenches of WWI”. It is intended to help students gain a better understanding of the soldier’s experience of trench warfare during WWI. The lesson plan involved using first person literary and audio accounts to show the extreme human experience of modern war.
            The students would compose a letter to a loved one from the perspective of a soldier engaged in trench warfare. Then the student would record the letter in the form of a podcast. This would be an excellent exercise that would reinforce what the student learned about the realities of trench warfare. The ALEX website makes it incredibly easy to find and utilize lesson plans for any classroom. Every educator should make use of this helpful tool.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

EDM 310 Blog Post 9

In my previous blog, I told you about the process of making an interactive video with Edpuzzle. This video is designed to be used in the flipped classroom model. My groupmates, Chelsia and Brooke, also made interactive videos with Edpuzzle. As an exercise, we watched each other’s videos and took the associated quiz.
            Chelsia’s video was about strange historical facts that aren’t well known. I could see using this video to create interest in history for students. I’m not sure how you could transition from this video into class discussion. It’s a fun video to watch for entertainment’s sake, but it probably has little to contribute to the classroom.
            Brooke’s video was an introduction into the history of the Bubonic plague. It was very interesting and educational. The video follows the migration of the Black Death from its roots in Asia to Europe. The video would be fantastic as an introduction to more in depth discussions in the classroom. When the students have the basic backstory it makes it easy to expand on or clarify concepts in class. You could even spend class time talking about the effects the plague had on society at a micro level. As a future educator, I see a huge advantage in the flipped cl assroom model. Edpuzzle makes creating interactive videos simple and quick. 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

EDM 310 Blog 8

                Recently, in my EDM 310 class, we were tasked with using EDpuzzle to create an interactive educational video. The video is intended to be used in a flipped classroom model. Flipped because traditional classwork/homework roles are reversed. Students watch short lesson-based videos for homework, while time in class is spent in discussion and class work. Edpuzzle is an easy-to-use website that assists educators in designing custom lesson-based videos.

            My experience using EDpuzzle was a pleasant one. Finding an appropriate video was easy because EDpuzzle allows you to pull videos from multiple sources, like YouTube or Khan Academy. EDpuzzle also allows you personalize the video by adding audio notes to the lesson. Recording the audio was accomplished easily, but I wish they would add an import audio option to the site. I really like the option to imbed questions into the video. This is a great way to monitor that students are actually watching and understanding the video. As a future educator, I am very interested in the flipped classroom model. I think it would be extremely beneficial for students. Homework is minimal, consisting of watching short videos and answering questions. Class time can then be spent in more thorough discussion of topics and classwork. I definitely plan to incorporate EDpuzzle into my classroom.

Sunday, October 2, 2016

EDM-310 Blog 7

                  Recently, my EDM 310 class completed a group video project intended to address issues in education. My group consisted of Chelsia, Brook, Christian, and myself. We decided our video would focus on the importance of incorporating technology into education. We made use of dual perspectives, teacher and student, to demonstrate the benefits of technology in a classroom. Our group worked together to design, script, film, and edit a 5 minute educational video. Unlike my past experiences with group projects, this experience was actually enjoyable and educational.  
            I was pleased with our group’s video, but was most proud of how well our group worked together on this project. While we gained much needed experience with technical aspects of shooting video, the more valuable experience was in learning to work with a group towards a goal. Each member contributed in their own unique way.  It was also highly intriguing to see what other groups chose to focus their videos on. I feel I gained something from each group’s perspective. As a future educator, I believe it is important to be as informed as possible on these issues and to use the information to better serve our students.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

EDM 310 Blog 6

We recently watched a video that featured 200 students from Kansas State University. The purpose of the video is to highlight problems with our antiquated education system. The video shows students listing issues they have with higher education. These issues include: overcrowded classrooms, uninvolved educators, time-consuming workloads, rising tuition, expensive textbooks, and a curriculum out of touch with our technology-based world. The video deals primarily with issues in higher education, but the message is applicable for all educators. Failure to evolve our education system is a failure for our students. It is imperative that we modernize the current education model.

As a future educator, I believe it is important to keep an open mind and be willing to try new education methods in the classroom. We also must be ready and willing to utilize the current technology that has the potential to transform education.  I’m not calling for an education revolution; there is a reason the current education model has been used for so long. But in order to provide the best education we can, we must be willing to modernize. The Kansas State University video is a powerful message about the sad state of higher education, but it is also optimistic that together we can fix these issues.        

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Blog 5

Today our class was treated to a presentation from David Walker, an instructional videography specialist from the Innovation in Learning Center at USA. Walker gave helpful tips to improve the quality of video projects using the iPhone. He gave us basic advice, like filming with the phone oriented horizontally or allotting more time to a project than you initially expect. He also recommended several tools, such as mics, lenses, tripods, and lighting. Walker explained key concepts in video, such as rule-of-thirds and nose room. He also stressed the impact of audio in our projects and recommended Audacity, a free audio editing program. This presentation was extremely helpful and will certainly improve the quality of our video projects.
                It is important as a future educator to improve my ability to produce quality video projects. Video is a useful tool enabling educators to reach students in ways that traditional lectures can’t. The role technology plays in the classroom will continue to increase in importance. The advantages of incorporating technology seem too obvious to ignore. As future educators, we must be prepared to utilize this technology influx to benefit our students. 

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Blog Post 4

        I recently watched a TED talk featuring Salman Khan, founder of the Khan Academy. The Khan Academy provides thousands of educational videos on a wide range of subjects, completely free of charge. These videos have been designed to provide a full educational experience for a student. The video-based educational program allows students to individualize their learning experiences. The program allows a student to progress at their own pace while collecting data about grading and subject mastery for the educator. Khan thinks that the use of video has the potential to revolutionize education by removing the one-size-fits-all model of education we currently use.
         I personally see immense benefit in using educational videos as a tool in the classroom. The benefits of a program that allows for individualization and compiles useful data are clear. Doing away with generic lectures will allow teachers more one-on-one time with students. We know that every student learns differently. So why do we try to teach them all the same? 

          Incorporating video and other media into the educational curriculum seems inevitable, and I for one welcome it. I see immense benefits in a blended-instruction classroom, splitting the class time between traditional lectures and individualized educational video program. Educational video is a tool that has been proven to benefit a student’s education. Students are raised with technology, it makes sense that using this same technology in their education will benefit the student. 

Monday, September 5, 2016

EDM 310 Blog Post 3

Hi everyone! Recently, in my EDM 310: Micro-computing Systems in Education class, I completed a project that involved producing a trailer for a free educational app. First, I found an app that fit two primary conditions. The app had to be both educational and fun. The app I chose is intended to increase student literacy by providing access to a wide range of e-books. The production of the trailer required me to gather pertinent information, video clips, audio clips, and photographs. Finally, I synthesized everything into a three-minute movie demonstrating the potential educational benefits of the app. Epic! provides access to a digital library of thousands of books on a wide range of subjects. I highly recommend all educators make use of this resource, in order to increase the literacy of their students.

At first this project sounded easy. I honestly thought I could throw everything together in a relatively short amount of time. I was wrong. I learned why most animators and graphic designers use Macs instead of PCs. Compared to previous experiences with Apple’s iMovie, Microsoft’s Movie Maker seemed awkward and purposely difficult to use. This project has made me aware that I need to better familiarize myself with video editing software. Eventually after hours of work and much frustration, I was able to assemble a three-minute trailer. It’s probably not the prettiest or most polished trailer, but I hope I managed to convey how extremely useful Epic! could be for educators and students

Thursday, September 1, 2016

2nd Blog - Do Schools Kill Creativity?

I recently watched a TED talk featuring Ken Robinson where he asks, “Do Schools Kill Creativity?” Ken Robinson is a former professor of Arts Education and advisor on art’s role in education. Robinson believes that the important role creativity plays in student learning has been largely ignored by traditional educational systems. Creativity and the Arts are given less attention than other subjects. Robinson states that, “every traditional educational system has the same hierarchy of subjects.”  Mathematics and sciences are valued more highly than the Arts. According to Robinson, this hierarchy exists because of the modern university system, a system designed to produce students with skills valuable for an increasingly industrialized society. Robinson claims that an educational system that values subjects like math or science over the Arts causes a loss of creativity in students. Ken Robinson believes that, “creativity…is as important in education as literacy.” I agree that educators should place a higher value on creativity and attempt to foster creativity in students. I think that any education would be incomplete without some instruction in the Arts. As a future educator, I will take Robinson’s message to heart and strive to encourage and foster creativity in the classroom.
However, I don’t fully agree with Robinson on the extent of which we should focus on creativity and the Arts. Are they important? Of course. But how important? How much of the limited time that children are in school should be devoted to creative arts? What subjects would be diminished by more time spent on instruction in creative arts? The Arts are an essential part of a complete education, but are they more valuable than basic scientific or mathematical knowledge?  Isn’t it more important to provide a foundation of general knowledge to students that allows for later specialization? Does public education even have the ability, time, or resources to develop individual talent, like dance, considering the small percentage of the student body these students represent? I was actually involved in the Arts throughout my school career. I did theater and dance for years. Regardless of how much I enjoyed dance, I would never have wanted my public education to revolve around it. Dance was an extracurricular activity completely separate from my public education. Robinson would have schools focus on providing opportunities for students interested in such creative arts to an extent that I find unrealistic.  I agree that creativity should be fostered in the classroom, because we recognize the important role it plays in both society and the individual. But I think this can be achieved without completely rethinking our current educational system.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

EDM 310 Blog 1

Richard Culatta is an innovator in the field of education and a former US Director of Educational Technology. In 2013, Culatta gave a TEDx talk titled Reimagining Learning. Culatta identifies three challenges to our traditional approach to education. First, we teach all students the same. Second, all students in a traditional classroom are taught at the same rate or timetable. Third, traditional grading policies don’t give valuable real-time feedback to students. Culatta believes that all these problems can be solved by utilizing new technology. But first he wants to conquer the “digital divide” between those who are digital creators and those who merely want to digitize traditional educational models. Culatta isn’t satisfied with continuing the traditional educational model, instead he wants to “leverage technology to reinvent learning”.  
As a future educator, I wholeheartedly agree with Culatta that proper utilization of technology in the classroom can benefit every student. New technology allows educators to customize teaching methods and the rate of progression for each individual student. New technology can rapidly and accurately assess a student’s comprehension, instantly giving valuable feedback to the student. Specific algorithms use data analytics to identify patterns of success or failure, in order to better guide students towards a successful path.  Technology can also dramatically improve access to educational opportunities for students. Massive open online classes, or MOOC’s, allow a virtually unlimited number of students to attend highly desired classes. Some online classes have had over 160,000 students enrolled. This increase in access to education will dramatically benefit every level of our society.
 Culatta’s TEDx talk didn’t dramatically change my thoughts on technology’s role in education. Instead, his talk reinforced my previously held belief that, in many ways, a teacher’s future role will be as a facilitator for guided self-learning. Also, I believe that the ability to customize the educational model to the individual student will help students maximize their potential. I know change is often difficult. But it is important, as an educator, to be aware of the benefits new technology can bring to the classroom. As a future History teacher, I admit I prefer the traditional lecture format of most history classes. Even so, I see immense benefit in augmenting the traditional format with non-traditional individualized learning opportunities. The role technology plays in our lives increases with every passing year, so it follows that the role technology plays in education should also correspondingly increase. By understanding and implementing new technology in the classroom, educators can maximize the benefits received from education for each student on an individual basis.